Course Content

Course name - MERN Stack Web Development with Cloud

Course Objectives:

  • Develop a Comprehensive understanding of Web development concepts and MERN Stack techniques.
  • Gain a solid understanding of programming fundamentals and proficiency in JavaScript programming language for web development.
  • Structure and implement a software web application using HTML5/CSS3.
  • Design user interactions on web pages using ReactJS.
  • Work with large web applications without reloading the page using ReactJS.
  • Develop server-side applications using NodeJS and ExpressJS.
  • Understand the structure and design of the non-relational database.
  • Implement a RESTful backend API for storing and retrieving data.
  • Handling HTTP requests/responses and ensuring seamless communication between client and server.
  • Integrate frontend and backend components to create end-to-end full-stack web applications.
  • Recognize the role of AI tools in web development to improve productivity and code quality.

Program Benefits:

  • Hands-on experience: Gain practical experience through exercises, and real-world scenarios/case studies.
  • Industry relevance: Stay up to date with current technologies, frameworks, and best practices.
  • Portfolio development: Build a strong portfolio showcasing your ideas to solve the case studies and to demonstrate your skills to potential employers.
  • Career support: Receive guidance on job search strategies and interview preparation to launch your career in the MERN Stack Web Development domain.

Upon successful completion of the program, learners will possess a comprehensive understanding of JavaScript programming for Frontend and Backend development. They will demonstrate the ability to create dynamic MERN stack applications and deploy them on cloud platforms. Furthermore, learners will be introduced to some AI tools transforming web development, fostering their interest and exploration in this evolving field. Additionally, learners will acquire the necessary skills to pursue entry-level roles or further education in the field.

Skill Set:

Upon completing this course, students will be able to develop the following skill set: 

  • Web App Architecture: Understanding the structure and components of web applications.
  • JavaScript Fundamentals: Basic skills in JavaScript programming.
  • Advanced Programming: Mastery of OOP, error handling, and debugging techniques.
  • ReactJS Proficiency: Building responsive and reactive web applications using ReactJS.
  • MERN Stack Development: Skills to create and deploy web applications using the MERN stack.
  • Software Development Practices: Knowledge of Git, and practices for building, testing, and deploying applications.
  • MongoDB Basics: Understanding MongoDB for database management.
  • RESTful Architecture: Structuring routes, handling CRUD operations, and implementing error handling and validation.
  • AI in Web Development: Awareness of AI tools for enhancing productivity and code quality in development workflows.
  • Analytical and Problem-Solving Skills: Skills in applying algorithmic thinking to break down problems and implement solutions.These skills prepare students to tackle real-world problems in the MERN Stack web development domain. 


  • Basic knowledge of using the internet and computer systems.
  • Basic understanding of problem-solving.
  • Introductory understanding of programming.

Software and tools requirements:

Program Outline:

Program Components


Course Content (Technical)

85 Hrs.

Employability Skills

20 Hrs.

Capstone Project

40 Hrs.

Self-Paced Content

10 Hrs.

Modular Activities

5 Hrs.

Total Duration

160 Hrs

Assessment Rubric:

S. No.

Assessment Component

Evaluation Parameters

Maximum Marks


Mid-Term Assessment


30 Marks


End-Term Assessment


40 Marks


Capstone Project Submission


30 Marks


100 Marks

Program Structure:

The program is designed to be completed in 22 to 24 weeks covering around 160 hours of content and project.


Description of the content to be covered

Duration (Hrs.)


Unit I- Introduction to Full-Stack Web Development



Getting familiar with Full Stack Web Development

· Overview and architecture of web development

· Understanding the MERN Stack

· Setting up the development environment

· Overview of tools and editors (VSCode, Git)

· HTML refresher (HTML structure, form, list, table, semantic tags, inline/block component)

· Styling with CSS (basics of CSS, CSS properties, flex, grid, media queries)


· Development of Static Application (Portfolio Building).



Foundation: JavaScript Programming

· Introduction to JavaScript

· Syntax and basic constructs

· Variables, data types, control structures, functions, objects, etc.



Advanced Programming

· OOPs concepts and DOM manipulation.

· ES6+ features (let/const, arrow functions, template literals, destructuring, etc.).

· Asynchronous JavaScript (callbacks, promises, async/await) and working with APIs (fetch).



Leveraging Git Hub for Web Applications

· Getting Started with GitHub for Web Projects.

· Understanding GitHub for project development and repository creation.

· Leveraging GitHub Co-Pilot for AI-Assisted Coding.


· Implementing expense tracker, To-Do List, and Weather Application.



Unit II- Front-end Development with ReactJS



ReactJS Essentials

· Introduction to React

· Setting up a React project with Create React App

· Understanding components

· Props and state (useState)

· Handling forms and events

· State management with Context API

· Integrating API with React Application


· Building Simple React Application – Advise Generator Application.



ReactJS Advance Guide

· Hooks (useEffect, custom hooks, useRef, useReducer, useMemo, usecallback)

· Optimizing performance.

· Code splitting and lazy loading.



Understanding Redux

· Setting up Redux with React.

· Actions, reducers, and the store.

· Using Redux Dev Tools.


· Implementing e-commerce website.



Unit III: Deep Dive in Backend Development with NodeJS and ExpressJS



NodeJS Essentials

· Introduction to Node.js

· Installing Node.js and NPM

· Understanding package. JSON

· Working with NPM scripts



Node.js Modules

· Modules in Node.js (Built-in, NPM, User defined)


· Building simple Node Application – URL Shortener, Tic-tac-toe Game



Advance Guide to Backend with ExpressJS

· Setting up an Express.js application

· Understanding middleware

· Creating routes and handling requests



Principles of REST architecture

· Creating RESTful routes

· Handling CRUD operations



Error handling and validation

· Structuring large applications.

· Using middleware for logging, security, etc.

· Implementing file uploads and real-time features with WebSocket.


· Developing Chat Application.



Unit IV: Working with No Relational Database



MongoDB Fundamentals

· Introduction to NoSQL databases.

· Setting up MongoDB.

· Understanding collections and documents.

· CRUD operations in MongoDB.



· Using Mongoose for MongoDB.

· Connecting Node.js to MongoDB.


Creating a database for the Employee Management System and performing CRUD operations.



Unit V: Integrate and Deploy MERN Application



Connecting Frontend with Backend

· Planning a full-stack application

· Setting up the project structure

· Integrating all MERN components 

· Making HTTP requests from React using Axios or Fetch

· Connecting all parts (Connecting frontend to backend API)

· Deployment strategies (Netlify for frontend, Render for backend, GitHub Pages)


· Creating the MERN Application – Food Delivery Application.



Azure Fundamentals

· Resource groups

· Virtual Machines

· Storage Accounts

· Networking

Azure App Service

· Learn about Azure App Service.

· Create Web Apps.

· Configure Web Apps.

· Connection to Apps & Database.


· Creating and deploying MERN Application – Food Delivery Application.



Capstone Project



Mentoring Framework: Integrating Design Thinking into MERN Project Development



1. Empathize with Users

· Encourage students to empathize with end-users through interviews, observations, and user research.

· Help them understand user needs, pain points, and preferences related to the Application Development.

2. Define the Problem

· Guide students to clearly define the problem statement from the perspective of end-users and stakeholders.

· Frame the problem statement focusing on underlying needs and motivations.

3. Ideate Creative Solutions

· Facilitate brainstorming sessions for generating a wide range of solution ideas.

· Encourage creative thinking and exploration of unconventional approaches.

4. Prototype Solutions

· Assist students in prototyping app solutions using low-fidelity or high-fidelity prototypes.

· Encourage rapid iteration and refinement based on user feedback and testing.

5. Test and Iterate

· Help students conduct user testing and feedback sessions to gather insights on usability and effectiveness.

· Facilitate iterative refinement of prototypes based on user feedback.

6. Implement Solutions

· Guide students in translating prototyped solutions into functional applications.

· Assist in selecting appropriate algorithms and tools for implementation.

7. Evaluate Impact

· Facilitate discussions on evaluating the impact of the solution on users, stakeholders, and the ecosystem.

· Help students assess the success of their designs based on predefined metrics and criteria.

8. Iterative Design Process

· Emphasize the iterative nature of the design process.

· Encourage continuous refinement and improvement of applications based on user feedback and evolving requirements.


Industry Use-Cases:

Below are several potential problem statements in which students can employ their learned skills to create and implement a practical application.

  1. Ease Minds: Cultivating Calm in a Digital World: The primary goal of the Mindfulness Meditation App is to provide users with a platform that supports their mindfulness and meditation practices. It aims to create a serene and user-friendly environment where individuals can engage in guided meditation sessions, track their progress, and connect with a like-minded community for shared experiences and insights.
  2. Green Pulse: Nurturing Sustainability, Pulse by Pulse: The Sustainable Living Tracker is a platform designed to encourage and track the eco-friendly habits of users. Users can log their sustainable practices, share their achievements, and earn points for contributing to a more sustainable lifestyle. The platform fosters a community that values and promotes environmentally conscious habits.
  3. Skill Swap: A Collaborative Skill Exchange Platform: The main goal of this project is to create a platform where users can exchange their skills and services with others in their community. Users can list their skills, and seek the skills they need, and the system facilitates matches, fostering a collaborative environment.
  4. Trade Sphere: Virtual Stock Trading Platform: The Virtual Stock Trading Platform is an innovative web application designed to replicate real-world stock trading experiences in a secure and simulated virtual environment. Leveraging modern web technologies, the platform enables users to create virtual portfolios, engage in simulated buying and selling of stocks, and gain valuable insights into stock market dynamics. It serves as an educational tool, providing users with a risk-free space to learn and practice stock trading.
  5. Medix Connect: Telemedicine Platform: The Telemedicine Platform is a revolutionary web and mobile application designed to facilitate remote healthcare services, enabling patients to consult with healthcare professionals from the comfort of their homes.
  6. Timely Care: Medical Appointment Scheduler: The Medical Appointment Scheduler is a comprehensive software solution designed to streamline the process of scheduling and managing appointments within a healthcare setting. This will be beneficial for both patients and healthcare providers, offering a user-friendly and efficient platform for appointment booking and administration.
  7. Exam Suite: Online Test Management System: This project is aimed at developing an Online Test Management System for users. This is a web-based application that can be accessed throughout the web. This system can be used to add Tests, add Questions, assign Tests to users & users can give tests. This is an integrated system that contains both the user component and the administration component.
  8. Teacher Empowerment and Performance EvaluationSystem: The Teacher Empowerment and Performance Evaluation System (TEPES) is an innovative web application designed to empower teachers, enhance their freedom in curriculum development, and introduce performance-based incentives. TEPES aims to revolutionize the education sector by providing educators with the tools they need to excel in a technology-integrated learning environment.
  9. Rural Education Enhancement System: The Rural Education Enhancement System (REES) is an application developed to improve the quality of education in rural areas. The system aims to enhance literacy, communication skills, and knowledge in targeted rural communities
  10. Fitness Tracking and Wellness Platform: The Fitness Tracking and Wellness Platform is a robust web and mobile application designed to empower users to achieve their health and fitness goals. Leveraging the latest technologies, the platform provides comprehensive tools for tracking physical activities, monitoring nutrition, and fostering a supportive community for users to share their fitness journeys.